Need Guidance On Your Social Security Case?
Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Board of Governors Meeting, December 2015
Our “nerd” studying for the bar exam, Halloween 2015
Getting ready to challenge local attorneys to support the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank
Center for Child and Family Services, Inc., Board Meeting
Our Community. Your Community.
We live in Hampton Roads, Virginia. The Gillette Law Group is very active in the local community and has a proud history of doing so. In fact, we encourage our team to participate and give back to the communities we serve.
Highlights of our Community Involvement
- Brian and his sons have volunteered at the PORT Emergency Winter Shelter Program to help shelter and feed homeless people in Newport News, Virginia.
- Brian Gillette is Chair of the Board of the Center for Child and Family Services, Inc., serving Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg and more.
- Gillette Law Group, PLLC, was a sponsor of Country for Kids 2015, 2016, and 2017, the annual charity concert to benefit the Center for Child and Family Services, Inc., in Hampton, Virginia.
- Brian Gillette serves on the Board of the Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Foundation. The Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Foundation allows Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital, in Newport News, Virginia, to offer services to the community that might not otherwise be possible
- Brian Gillette serves on the Board of Governors of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association.
- Brian Gillette serves as Chair of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Social Security Law Section.
- Brian Gillette served as an officer of Fr. James Lee Rizer Council #6828 of the Knights of Columbus in Williamsburg, Virginia.
- Since 2014, the firm has participated annually in the Legal Food Frenzy a food and fund drive competition among all Virginia law firms to support seven member food banks across Virginia.