Claim the Disability Benefits You Need Quickly With Our Help.

Need Guidance On Your Social Security Case?

Jennifer S. Gillette, BSN

Jennifer S. Gillette, BSN, Legal Nurse

Jennifer and Brian have been married since 1995 and have four (4) children. They are excited to be living their dream of building a law practice while combining their legal and medical skills.  Jennifer is the firm’s Legal Nurse who reviews medical records and creates detailed medical summaries in support of Social Security and Virginia Retirement System (VRS) disability retirement claims.

Jennifer was inspired by her grandmother, who was a nurse, and the love she had for her community which included house calls to remove stitches or give shots and even adopting a child she cared for at the hospital for over a year.  Jennifer attended the University of Maryland at Baltimore and received a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing.  Her first job was in orthopedics and she became Certified in Orthopedics. She cared for patients who had undergone total knee replacements; hip replacements; cervical and lumbar laminectomies and fusions; and open reduction internal fixation procedures.  Jennifer then transitioned to a telemetry unit and then to the intensive care unit (ICU).  After Jennifer and Brian’s second son was born, Jennifer stayed home to raise the children and support Brian in his legal career.

Jennifer has a great work ethic, which she attributes to her youth sports practices. Jennifer was on the swim team at age five (5) and continued swimming through her first year in college. She also participated in cross country, indoor track and outdoor track in high school.  She was named to the “Senior Athlete Hall of Fame.”  Jennifer loves to compete (now mostly against her own times) and still signs up for local 5Ks as a runner or walker.  The demands of everyday life make it challenging to work out, but Jennifer believes even a 15 minute walk is good for the body if that is all you can do.

Jennifer loves animals and currently has 2 dogs, Pippin (an Italian Greyhound) and Maggie (a Lab/Hound mix she adopted form the Heritage Humane Society).  Jennifer also enjoys baking cookies and baked over 150 cookies (in one day) for the Legal Food Frenzy.  Jennifer also loves making homemade pizza, Palace Café Crab Cheesecake with Creole Meunière Sauce, and Rick Bayless Salsa Mac and Cheese. Jennifer has a collection of recipes she is waiting to try on her Pinterest account.

“As a mother, you feel the need to be all and do all.  My work at the Gillette Law Group allows me to care for my mother who lives with us, to be at home if my children are sick, and still care for the clients who desperately need help.  It is a great feeling to know my work on a case can be life changing to a disabled person who is unable to work and may finally win disability benefits!”

Jennifer S. Gillette, BSN
Gillette Law Group, PLLC
1315 Jamestown Rd, Suite 102
Williamsburg, VA 23185

Phone: 1 (855) 654-8130
Fax: (757) 220-9451