Claim the Disability Benefits You Need Quickly With Our Help.

Need Guidance On Your Social Security Case?

We Help Disabled Workers With Questions About Social Security Disability & Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Disability Benefits

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If you are like most of our clients, you never thought you would find yourself applying for disability benefits. You have worked hard, for years, to support your family and planned to continue working until retirement. Now that your health has caused you to stop work, you are likely anxious and confused. That’s normal–you have never been through this before!

At the Gillette Law Group, PLLC, we focus our practice on helping disabled workers with questions about Social Security disability and Virginia Retirement System (VRS) disability benefits. We guide people through the often frustrating and confusing application and appeals processes.

We are one of the few firms in Virginia that helps disabled workers with BOTH Social Security Disability AND Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Disability Retirement benefits claims. We are here to help you make the best decisions possible, given your unique situation, and we get a great deal of satisfaction from helping people make smart decisions to improve their lives.

You should feel free to call us to discuss your questions and concerns about Social Security disability and Virginia Retirement System (VRS) disability retirement benefits.

You can even speak with us when you are just thinking about stopping work and applying for disability benefits. We can discuss your health conditions and your medical treatment. We can explore how the symptoms and limitations that result from your health conditions affect your ability to work. We can tell you the key issues you need to discuss with your doctors. We can help you decide if applying for disability is the right path for you.

Many of our clients are referred to us by other clients, former clients, and other professionals. If someone has referred you to us, please let us know so that we can properly thank them!

If you have questions about disability benefits, we are ready to help.  Call us at 1(855)654-8130.  We want to hear your story and see how we can help.