Need Guidance On Your Social Security Case?
Do I Need a Lawyer?
Yes! Here’s why you should always use a Virginia-based disability attorney!
Many people unable to work due to their health wrongly assume they can just talk to Social Security, or get a note from their doctor, to obtain disability benefits. Unfortunately, that’s not the way the system works.
Social Security Disability is a legal system. This system includes many laws, regulations and procedures. It involves issues of evidence. You may very possibly have a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge. There may be expert witnesses at your hearing, who may offer opinions that you do not deserve disability benefits.
In fact, more than two-thirds of people who apply for disability benefits are initially DENIED by Social Security.
Fortunately, statistics show that benefits are awarded far more frequently to people with representatives than to those who handle their own claims.
A lawyer can help you if:
- you need to apply for benefits.
- if you applied but were turned down.
- if you have a hearing coming up.
But don’t wait! In many cases, the clock is ticking to protect all your rights.
Attorney Brian Gillette is experienced in disability law.
You don’t pay a fee unless you are awarded benefits.