Claim the Disability Benefits You Need Quickly With Our Help.

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Before You Apply for VRS Disability Retirement, Download One of Our Free Books!

Free E-book Reveals:

  • What you must prove to receive VRS disability retirement benefits.
  • How you can get an estimate of your VRS disability retirement benefits.
  • How to apply for VRS disability retirement benefits and what documents you must submit.
  • When you can apply for VRS disability retirement benefits.
  • When you should get an attorney involved.
  • What happens at an informal fact-finding proceeding.
  • Why your doctor’s opinion that you are disabled likely isn’t enough to prove your claim.
  • Why VRS disability retirement might not be the best option for you.
  • Why you should gather all your medical records before you apply for VRS disability.
  • Why relying on your human resources office or your family member to help you prove your claim isn’t the best idea.
  • Why you shouldn’t appeal immediately, if your claim is denied.
  • What you must have in your claim file if you want to have any hope of getting paid.
  • What questions you should ask before hiring a lawyer.

How to Download Your Free E-book

In order to receive your free electronic copy, all you need to do is enter your first name and email below. You will receive an email with the download shortly after entering your information.

Also, requesting this information does not create an attorney-client relationship. And don’t worry, the submission is confidential and we won’t sell or trade your information to any third parties.

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