Claim the Disability Benefits You Need Quickly With Our Help.

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What Other Benefits Might I Receive If My VRS Disability Retirement Claim Is Approved?

In addition to the monthly benefit, the plan provides:

  • A continuation of some benefits under the VRS Group Life Insurance Program if you were covered before retiring on disability.
  • State retiree health benefits if you are a state employee. If you are an employee of a school division or a political subdivision, contact your human resource office about retiree health insurance your employer may offer.
  • The health insurance credit, a tax-free benefit that assists with the portion of premiums you pay for individual health insurance premiums, if you qualify.

Contact us today for your FREE Case Evaluation by calling us toll-free at 1-855-654-8130 or by filling out the FREE Case Review form to your right. We look forward to helping you!