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Who Is Eligible For Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Disability Benefits?
You are eligible for disability retirement if you are working in a VRS-covered position and you are:
- A teacher, administrator, manager or clerical employee of a local public school division;
- An employee of a VRS-participating political subdivision, such as a city, county, town, authority or commission, including a school maintenance, janitorial or cafeteria employee or a school bus driver as elected by the school division;
- A state employee hired before January 1, 1999, if you retained your eligibility to be considered for VRS disability retirement instead of electing to transfer to the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP); or
- A member covered under the Judicial Retirement System (JRS) or member of the General Assembly.
Who Is NOT Eligible For Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Disability Benefits?
You are not eligible for disability retirement if you are not working in a VRS-covered position or you are:
- Covered under the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP);
- Defer retirement;
- Leave employment and take a refund of your member contributions and interest;
- Participate in an optional retirement plan administered or authorized by VRS; or
- Have a disability that is not likely to be permanent.
What Is Covered Employment?
Covered employment is a full-time, permanent salaried position with an employer that participates in the Virginia Retirement System. Some part-time permanent, salaried state positions are also covered under VRS.